Actor's Headshot Template


Acting Headshot Template 8x10 Headshot Template for Actors. Instant access and easy editing online using Canva. Print now and print anywhere! Download and save as jpg, pdf, png and svg files. Included are two versions, black and white backgrounds.

Your headshot is your calling card to catch the Director’s eye and key to breaking into a professional actor. Use this headshot template to take with you to auditions with your resume attached to the back, print in color , 8x10 inches in size. and or digitally for submissions, personal websites, and as marketing material.

Digital Headshot Templates 8 x 10 inches

- 2 digital templates download, customize, save, and print

- placeholder for 1 headshot image for each digital template

- easy to use; personalize and add your image and edit text to your style

- provided with a pdf document link and instructions that allow you to edit the Canva template and download it directly. Drag and drop your image in the placeholder and edit the text to your style. You can use the Canva free or paid version

- editable on your phone, desktop, or laptop using Canva free or paid versions.

A headshot is your business card. Treat it seriously!

These are great for online submissions, emailing, and for printing.


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